Don't worry
I If you don't done your home work cuz you forgot, say that you have forgot and you promies to do them today and do them.
II If your friends don't trust you made they trust you
III If you don't what to do something say it!
IIII If people think you are crazy and weird let them think it, It's only you that can controll yourself.
V If you are angry talke out it
VI If your bestfriend have a ugly hairstyle and everybody think it, say "I love you I just what you to know that almost everybody think your hairstyle is ugly but It's only you that can tell if you like it r not. If you don't want to change is ok because you are PERFECT and don't care about other people" in a nice way let her know it. She would propely be more sad if everyone laught at her hairstyle and you said it's perfect.
VII If you judge people, Judge it for yourself. No body whants to know.
VIII If you feel that you dont like things say it! Dont hold them in and writte it on a messege.
IX If you die tomorrow tell everybody that you LOVE them!
X If you feel Fearless & Strong don't let any body take away it from you!
I dont fall every thing but I try, Try it to! :)
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