måndag 30 april 2012


Today we have BBQ!
BBQ (not my house!) I wish it was my house Love the wiew! ;) 
I took this picture! Today! At my mums friends house! 


Hi!, Todya we gonna have BBQ, It's a perfect day for it a sunny day like this! And listen to Cody Simpsons vertion of Better Together! :) Have a wonderful day! :D


God day! Its a sunny today! And It's Valborg! Here in Sweden! It's mean That we celibrate the spring in, We light a big fire at a place! And It's a special day for The Swedishs Kings Birthday to day :) Happy Birthday :)

I'm Sick But I'm Happy! :)

Hi I am sick now because I got it from a little cute baby that I must kiss! :) But Im happy I have all the weekend and Friday to I think? Listen To Angels And Gentlemen Album of Cody Simpson! :D I have heard his Cover of So close to you! asI have write about earlier. It's Amazing Awesome! AND the whole album is Awesome :) Im think Im in love with the Album right NOW! ;) Im sorry thet I haven't toold you earlier. :( :)
Love! P :D <3 p.s Serch on YouTube On Cody Simpson Angels And Gentlemen! And Enjoy every single song or klick HERE! Start from the topp! :)


How to be a better person! Im bad at it! I can be mean sometime, no one has said it, but I think it, They said I have PMS sometime and so but I never listen! Sometimes people are just anoying I think they never think what they do first, Sometime they comming and irritate me and I said stopp! they don't listen! and then I Irritate them the same way they irritate me because I want that they gonna feel what I feel! But when I do it they said: "DO YOU HAVE PMS; YOU ARE A FAILD KID" haha true maybe, but life is more then take youself dome so I don't speak I said Huh what did you said? I miss understud you Im so fail, Why do people never think what they do? they only Think what people do to them! And I can't said this to 100% because maybe I do it self sometime. But Im tierd that people said things because they gonna said, and think if everyone was thinking before they gonna said something maybe! No ones perfect not me Im faild I probely should not do it back! One day maybe I learn. But DON'T EVER let somebody do things said something bad to you! YOU ARE PERFECT! :D <3
If you want to be a better person you can do:
1, A list what you think you shoudn't do and things that you should do.
2, When you have follow every thing you shoud do, reward yourself! 
3, If you do things that feel right do them, you can said to a person how you feel about them! If they are mean to you!
4, Don't care about how people looks! Don't judge them or don't let someone judge you! You are beautiful! 
Good Luck love P :) <3

         You can reward yourself with shoping!